Who's the fucking dude?

Tony Adriaensens

corsa research

Tony Adriaensens was born in April 1966 in Antwerp, Belgium.


He published his first book (Alleggerita) in 1994.

Tony is fueled by his passion.
His hunger for knowledge and determination to turn information into action has contributed to his most recent success Weekend Heroes 2.0.
Tony is a bestselling historical novelist whose books Alleggerita, OttoVu, Weekend Heroes, Ten days in Sicily, Sporterfolge and Weekend Heroes 2.0 have never disappointed anyone, they’re all extraordinary! 
We love working with journalists around the world to share compelling,
unique stories. If you‘re a member of the media and would like to talk, please send an email;

Tony Adriaensens

corsa@corsaresearch.com ++32 (0)486 35 39 83 Raapstraat 20 2000 Antwerp Belgium